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About the MTA

The Pembroke Teachers Association is a local association of the Massachusetts Teachers Association. Your PTA membership dues also cover your membership in the MTA. You receive hundreds of benefits and discounts as a part of this statewide organization. 

The Massachusetts Teachers Association is a member-driven organization, governed by democratic principles, that accepts and supports the interdependence of professionalism and unionism. The MTA promotes the use of its members' collective power to advance their professional and economic interests. The MTA is committed to human and civil rights and advocates for quality public education in an environment in which lifelong learning and innovation flourish.

The MTA represents 110,000 members in close to 400 local associations throughout Massachusetts. We are teachers, faculty, professional staff and education support professionals working at public schools, colleges and universities across Massachusetts.

MTA President Max Page

Page was elected president of the MTA in May 2022 after serving two terms as vice president. He is on leave from UMass Amherst, where he has been a professor of architecture since 2001. He also has served as the director of the Master of Design in Historic Preservation Program. As an MTA leader, Page helped organize members to ensure passage of the Student Opportunity Act. As president, he is continuing to fight for similar legislation to increase funding for public higher education, with the goal of making it debt-free for students.

MTA Vice-President Deb McCarthy

Over more than two decades, McCarthy has taken on a variety of elected leadership roles in her local union, the Hull Teachers Association, including president and vice president. She also has served on the MTA Board of Directors, as chair of the MTA Government Relations Committee, as an MTA Political Action Leader, and as a Massachusetts NEA Director.

MTA Calendar